QR is Destiny
Background of QR idea
I had been painting on non-stretched canvas for some time before I started working on black backgrounds. I liked the black backgrounds but I wanted them more black. I tried vinyl paint. Didn’t work. I got the idea to paint on vinyl (commercial, in rolls) and experimented for while as to how it would take the painting style I was doing. This involved brush, but also applying paint and using a combination of spritzed water and air gun to move it in naturalistic ways.
The high gloss finish of the vinyl prevented the paint from settling as it would on the textured surface of canvas. My process is to accept and move on, see what happens next.
It was “easy” to paint by brush on vinyl, in some ways easier than textured canvas with “grabs” the paint into the crevasses as it moves along. But what was I do paint? My “fall back” (default) is to paint what I always paint when I doodle (as I have been doing for decades). This is roughly “roots and branches” intertwining, sometimes in game-like patterns and other times randomly. Another “fall back” position is to make proscenium arc curtains like one would see in an old-fashioned theater or movie house. Red velvet curtains tied with a rope. But not that. Just “roots and branches” in the shape of that which is almost identical to two trees (denuded of leaves with see-through soil to see the roots), one stand on each horizontal edge. This created an empty black space surrounded by (or presented by) the white-on-black vegetal “frame.”